Useful Links
Podcast - Who runs this place?
“Who really holds the power in Australia? Who are the movers and shakers who can get things done — or stop things happening? Presented by RN’s Richard Aedy
Article - How do you know what information sources to trust?
This article from AAP Fact Check covers how to assess a ‘claim’ by looking at who made the claim, looking for evidence, and checking trusted sources.
Podcast - Whistleblowers safeguarding our democracy
Strong whistleblower protection laws are vital to safeguarding the future of Australian democracy. AJ Brown says Australia is already caught in a confidence crisis with employees and in particular public servants being too afraid to speak out against wrongdoing.
Art - Draw the line
When the political climate starts to go against your own beliefs, it’s very easy to start feeling small and powerless.
This website brings together more than 100 comic artists, each illustrating actions that anyone can take, if they want to make a difference.
by Adrian Lee