Professional development & executive coaching for elected representatives
Anchoring leadership
One-on-one program designed to link your values, purpose & strengths with powerful strategies to navigate problems, act ethically, create consensus & achieve results. 6 to 8 sessions, 3 weeks apart.
Going up a gear
A focused coaching program to help you get up to speed in a new role or accelerate your professional growth at a time of your choosing. 6 to 8 sessions, 3 weeks apart.
Gaining perspective
A chance to stop, step back, gain perspective and reconnect with your strengths. Monthly, between 6 to 12 sessions.
Just in time
Dealing with a confronting issue? Weekly sessions (over 4 weeks) focusing on applying ethical decision making + leadership frameworks.
Making ethical decisions in local government
This workshop series helps councillors develop the skills and confidence to make ethical decisions, and take actions, that uphold Council values and meet community expectations. 2 x 2 hour workshops - face to face, or online. Currently delivered via LG NSW.
Guiding the group
Tailored workshops for small groups working towards to a shared goal but who are uncertain, or disagree, about how to get there. Includes preparatory contact with participants to gain their perspectives.