The purpose of Democracy Matters is to equip people with the skills to implement democracy effectively. We help people ‘see’ the system around them, understand how it impacts them and the people they care about, and give them the confidence to actively use their democratic skills. Together we can make democracy grow, so it is big enough for all of us!
Democracy Matters is anchored in a broad definition of democracy, one that goes beyond politicians, their parties, elections and the media.
How we work: We educate early voters, elected representatives, and the teachers who inspire our future voters and political leaders. We create feedback loops between these three groups, to make our system of democracy stronger and more stable.
Democracy is all of us - the decisions we make, the communities we live in, the spaces and places where we gather and our actions towards others. A web of social relationships sits at the heart of our democracy.
The future of democracy is finding ways for different people and perspectives to come together, to listen deeply, learn from each other and achieve something that cannot be achieved alone. Our collective relationships can lift everyone up.
Democracy Matters core principles
Democracy is how we treat each other.
Democracy is a skill each of us can learn.
Democracy requires attention from all of us to be at its best.
Kinship is the most important building block for a thriving democracy.
In democratic communities, ethical citizens actively care for the most vulnerable.
Accountability - each of us acts in the best interests of society: with honesty, integrity and transparency.
Democratic decision-making means thinking about future generations - how will this decision impact them?
Democracy Matters is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
Peace, justice and strong institutions G16
Quality education G4
Reduced inequalities G10
Life on the land G15
Sustainable cities and communities G11
Partnerships for the goals G17