Professional development for elected representatives (local, state & federal)
Being an elected representative is a unique + challenging role. Democracy Matters offers professional development + coaching so those in the public eye have the skills to keep our democratic institutions strong & fit for purpose.
Teacher identified professional development
Sessions linked to state + territory curriculum, with a focus on developing skills + ACARA General Capabilities so your students can transfer their learning beyond the classroom.
Social media literacy training
Skills based sessions for social media users on how to spot fake news, misinformation, online hoaxes & stories intended to mislead you.
Early voter education sessions
Make your VOTE count is a non partisan education course about Australian voting procedures. For voters facing their first or second election, recently arrived migrants & anyone curious about voting. Delivered online, face to face & also as a train the trainer option.
Thought leadership sessions
Conversational sessions on a wide range of democracy issues & current affairs topics. Designed to help you see the surprising places where democracy grows & the opportunities available to us.