Voice Referendum 2023 Democracy Education Session

Your session was informative. I also appreciated your communication style. I certainly feel better informed.
— Feedback about a Referendum 2023 session from a community service professional

Australian citizens will be voting in a national referendum before the end of this year. For some voters, this will be their first referendum. How do you vote in a referendum? What is this referendum about? What will change if this referendum is successful?

Democracy Matters is offering non-partisan information sessions to community groups. The session aim is for voters to be well informed before they vote. Sessions are 60 minutes long and are free.

Sessions are led by Sandy Killick, Lead Educator with Democracy Matters.


Session outline

-        What is the 2023 referendum about?

-        What do you need to know before you vote at this referendum?

-        What questions are coming from your family, friends and work colleagues that you can’t answer?

-        What does a referendum ballot paper look like? What is a ‘successful’ referendum?

-        Where can voters find reliable information between now & referendum day?

-        What roles can you take in a referendum? eg working on election day with the AEC, helping neighbours find reliable information, encouraging people to sign up to the electoral roll.

-        Specific needs of an organisation can also be addressed.

“Your session was informative. I also appreciated your communication style. I certainly feel better informed.” Feedback about Referendum 2023 session from a community service professional